There is a practice of corrupting old as new Science
Not a science of time and space, but timespace
Of an anatomy between bone and some other wet cell
In between think and do and doing
when do has always already happened
and think is a proud hickey hidden under spacesuits and high collars
and doing tries to be Is.
It is choreography of whenever
It is for letting whatever happen
But whenever whatever happens
there is a singular harmonious meeting in timespace that u never knew
‘Making Black Holes’
It might be familiar and at the same time unknow-ed
It is void, without voidness, only with
like the Forever Space that surrounds
a lone dancer at some
indie pop trash show
What is left in between is a negotiation of
the physics of social gravity
and the relentless desire to not be categorized
waify hippy
but the urgency
to take off all your clothes and dandy dance dance dddddd together.
It is light travelling from so far away that the source no longer exists
but the
l i g h t d o e s
between your eyes doing seeing
and whatever pushed the light into timespace
that is both now and in the past
It asks nothing except
the CAnadarm
be way longer
more sequined
A pinkyshiny solitude for bigdecisionmaking
or a reminder to look at Neptune from time to time.
It is not a collision
dear Hadron,
but a meeting
the forces of the universe
a glitter harness with faux leather stirrups.
First Published in The Swedish Dance History, Volume 4, December 2012